Dear PIC Community,

The summer is coming up quickly, even though it may not feel like it in your neck of the woods! We have plenty of snow on the ground in Maine, and Great Pond is frozen solid. We’re experiencing a winter like the olds days — snow that comes in bunches, stays for a while, and gives us opportunities for outdoor winter activities!

As June 27th inches closer, we are looking to finish up hiring our staff for 2025. We’re in good shape right now, with about 95 percent of our positions filled. However, we are still looking for a couple more male counselors to round out the group. As you may know, male PIC counselors have three primary responsibilities: living in a tent with four boys, teaching an activity, and leading overnight camping trips.

We are specifically looking for counselors to teach sailing, workshop (wood working), paddleboarding, and archery (please click here to see descriptions of each activity).

The salary for each of these positions starts at $2,725 for the summer, with bonuses available for having your WFR certification, your lifeguard certification, and for having professional teaching experience. The dates are June 14th to August 13th. If you are interested, or you know someone who might be, please get in touch!

Working at Pine Island is an experience our staff members never forget, and it can be just as valuable for a counselor as it is for a camper. We would love to have you or someone you know join us for an amazing summer in 2025!

Thank you,

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Alex Toole