Hmmm… Yum!

Head Cook Anna Ashby (right) and Summer Manager Lindsay Clarke (left) have lunch with their children. Experienced Chefs Expand Pine Islanders’ Palates by Sumner Ford It was a huge relief when Anna Ashby contacted me to inquire about working as the Head Cook at Pine...

A 2023 Saturday Night Show Report

“All the [island’s] a stage, and all the [campers] merely players…” by Kaja Surborg The campers line up on the Honk Lawn, sweet treats in hand. Saturday evening: it’s time for the show! All day during general swim and rest hour, they’ve been trying to get a peek at...

A Camper-Directed SNS?!

Promotional poster for Moses Ferney’s SNS, Into the Cosmos If you’ve ever had the pleasure of directing a Saturday Night Show (SNS) at Pine Island, you know that to do so is borderline madness. Your work begins the night before with an idea, perhaps a few...

Please raise a paddle in gratitude to our Directors

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you,and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves in Autumn.” -John Muir...

Not Your Average Woodcraft Class!

Not Your Average Woodcraft Class! by Reid Hill A group of my best friends and I hike quickly through the woods in the morning light. Speed and timing are everything. Each of us understands his assignment and our common goal. We have practiced our techniques and know...