Our New Website

We have a brand-new website! Over the past several months, Pine Island’s marketing team has been working with a Maine-based developer to create a new site that offers simple pathways for alums, donors, and prospective camp families to find the information they...

Another Great Summer!

Pine Island’s 121st season was another great one! Our campers earned ranks in their favorite activities; paddled and hiked throughout the remote north woods of New England; acted in (and even produced!) riveting Saturday Night Shows; and most importantly, created a...

Our 121st season is about to begin!

On Friday, June 23rd, we’ll welcome a terrific group of boys from seventeen states and four countries to Pine Island. We’re excited to share the next six weeks with them! Each day at Pine Island is a chance to try something new: learning to sail, rolling a kayak,...

We’re Hiring!

We are looking for great candidates to fill our last few positions this summer. If you know someone who might be interested in any of these roles, please call (207-465-3031) or email me (sford@pineisland.org). Benefits include: Advanced Wilderness First Aid training...